
Main consult

The statute of the Bahraini Women’s Union
The first Door
General provisions
Article (1)
Social and cultural associations, clubs, and bodies are established in the Kingdom of Bahrain pursuant to the law
Private institutions working in the field of youth and sports and private institutions issued by decree law
No. (21) of 1989 amended by Decree Law No. (44) of 2002, a federation called the “Union
Bahraini Women's Association", which is a civil society organization of a democratic nature and is considered a qualitative federation of associations.
Bahraini women under its banner, and the union has been registered with the Ministry of Social Development
Under registration number (1/A T/J.S.).
Article (2)
The Union was established from the following associations:
. Association of the women Renaissance of Bahrain
. Child and Maternal Welfare Association
. Awal Women's Association
. Riffa Cultural Charitable Society
. International Women's Association
. Fatat Al-Rif Women's Association
. Bahraini Women's Association
. Bahrain Women's Association
. Future Women's Association
. Hamad Town Women's Association
. Contemporary Women's Association
. Bahrain Society for Development
Article (3)
The Union is registered in the records of the Ministry of Social Development in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Resolution No. (2) for the year
1990 regarding organizing the register of social and cultural associations and clubs subject to supervision
The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and his legal personality is confirmed from the date of publishing his registration in
Official Gazette.
Article (4)
The Union's headquarters and main administrative center shall be in the city of Manama, and it may have branch offices in
Other cities within the Kingdom.
Article (5)
The Union includes Bahraini women's associations licensed by the Ministry of Development as members
Article (6)
Any women's association registered in accordance with the provisions of Decree Law No. (21) of 1989 may
It submits an application to the Union to join it after amending its bylaws appropriately
And the basic system of the union.
Article (7)
The application for membership in the union is submitted by any of the women’s associations to the secretary of the union, attached
With the following documents:
. An application form to join the union certified by the association’s president and stamped by the association.
. A copy of the association’s bylaws.
. A list of the names of board members and their positions.
. A copy of the association’s official announcement letter.
. A list of the names of Bahraini female members working in the association.
Article (8)
The name of the union, the address of its headquarters, its registration number, the scope of its work, and its logo - if any - shall be mentioned in all
His books, records and publications.
Article (9)
The Federation is legally represented by the Chairperson of its Board of Directors or her representative by decision of the Board of Directors.
Chapter Two
The Union’s objectives and powers
Chapter One L
The objectives of the Union and its mechanisms
Article (10)
A- The Union aims, within the limits of the laws in force in the Kingdom of Bahrain, to organize and coordinate activity
Its member women’s associations regarding the rights and issues of women, family and society within the framework of
Work on:
. Promoting Bahraini women and enabling them to participate in the development process.
. Spreading awareness of the importance of women’s active participation in political life.
. Devoting the spirit of national action in the Union to serve the national values formulated by the Constitution
The Kingdom and the National Action Charter to advance women’s associations and community institutions
. Defending the rights of Bahraini women and spreading legal awareness among them.
. Striving to abolish all forms of discrimination against women.
. Enabling women to participate effectively in the legislative, executive and judicial authorities.
. Follow up on the implementation of Arab and international agreements related to women.
. Protecting the gains obtained by Bahraini women and striving to obtain more
Of the rights and gains that achieve full citizenship.
. Expressing an opinion on draft laws related to women.
. Strengthening relations with Arab and international women’s federations and organizations.
. Paying attention to women’s affairs and the environment and increasing their environmental awareness.
B - The Federation conducts the necessary studies to provide the necessary funding for women’s associations
Its members to develop its resources in a way that helps provide subsidies and assistance and provide advice to it
About means of supporting its financial capacity.
C - The Union evaluates the services provided by its member women’s associations in light of:
The needs of the community, the capabilities of those associations, and their available resources.

Article 11: Mechanisms for Achieving the Union's Objectives within the Applicable Laws in the Kingdom of Bahrain:
1.    Supporting development projects of member associations in the Union technically and financially.
2.    Coordinating with the Supreme Council for Women and all official authorities in the country regarding women's issues and affairs.
3.    Organizing and participating in workshops, discussion circles, training courses, and local, regional, and international civil forums regarding women's issues and affairs.
4.    Utilizing various media to enhance the role of Bahraini women affiliated with the Union of Women's Associations by adopting and presenting their issues and defending their rights.
5.    Establishing programs tailored for various groups of women in Bahrain: workers, elderly women, young women, housewives, etc.
6.    Conducting studies and research related to women's and family issues.
7.    Continuous coordination and cooperation between the Union and NGOs, Arab and international women's federations.
8.    Establishing a specialized database on women's and family-related issues.
9.    Implementing training and awareness programs in health, legal, reproductive, environmental, and other fields directed towards women in Bahrain.
10.    Publishing a specialized magazine, newsletters, and journals that reflect the voice and aspirations of Bahraini women in accordance with applicable laws.
11.    Launching a website on the Internet that represents the voice of the Women's Union.
12.    Reviewing all local laws related to women and seeking to amend them in line with international agreements to eliminate all forms of violence against women.
Chapter Three: Financial Affairs
Article 12: The Board of Directors shall establish a financial regulation that regulates the financial affairs of the Union, particularly the expenditure of Union funds and their deposit, etc. The financial regulation shall not be effective until approved by the General Assembly.
Article 13:
1.    The financial resources of the Union consist of: a. Annual subscriptions, registration fees, and re-registration fees. b. Donations and unconditional grants after obtaining the approval of the Social Development Ministry. c. Any other resources approved by the Board of Directors that do not conflict with the provisions of the Kingdom's laws, regulations, and rules.
Article 14:
1.    Each women's association must pay a one-time registration fee to the Union amounting to BD 100 per association.
2.    Annual subscriptions shall be paid at BD 200 per association.
Article 15:
1.    The fiscal year of the Union starts on January 1st of each year and ends on December 31st of the same year, and it includes the first year.
2.    Membership dues are due from members during the first three months of each year.
3.    Union funds shall be deposited in a national bank selected by the Board of Directors.
4.    The Financial Secretary shall retain an amount not exceeding two hundred dinars for incidental expenses, and no amount of Union funds shall be spent except for Union purposes and upon the decision of the Board of Directors.
5.    No amount of Union funds shall be withdrawn except by a check signed by the President of the Union with the Financial Secretary or the Vice President in the absence of the President, along with the Financial Secretary, in accordance with the instructions issued by the Board of Directors.
6.    The Union's accounts shall be audited by a legal auditor within the first three months following the end of the fiscal year.
Article 16: The membership subscription of newly joined member associations to the Union shall be calculated from the date of acceptance of membership.
Article 17: The Union may own property and other assets that serve its objectives, and the Union shall not engage in financial speculation.
Article 18: The President and members of the Board of Directors shall be responsible, each within their jurisdiction, for the funds of the Union and for any action therein that contravenes the provisions of this regulation and the internal regulations of the Union and the decisions of the General Assembly.
Article 19: The Board of Directors shall present the final accounts to the General Assembly for approval, authenticated by all its members. If the expenses or revenues of the Union exceed ten thousand dinars, the Board of Directors shall present the final accounts to an accredited legal auditor accompanied by supporting documents for examination and a report thereon at least one month before the General Assembly meeting. Copies of the final accounts and the General Budget and auditors' reports and the Board of Directors' invitations shall be attached to letters addressed to the members entitled to attend the General Assembly. These documents must also be displayed prominently at the Union's headquarters at least fifteen days before the General Assembly meeting and shall remain so until they are approved.
Article 20: The General Assembly shall select the auditor from among those nominated by the Board of Directors and shall determine his remuneration. However, in the first year of the Union, the selection of the auditor shall be by the members at their first meeting in the form of a General Assembly.
Article 21: The Union shall not receive any funds from foreign individuals or foreign entities or send anything mentioned to individuals or organizations abroad except with the permission of the Social Development Ministry, except for amounts related to the cost of books, publications, scientific and artistic magazines, or participation fees in international conferences and organizations, if any.
Chapter Four: Elections
Article 22: The members of the Board of Directors of the Union shall be elected every two years by the Ordinary General Assembly in the presence of a representative of the Social Development Ministry.
Article 23: The Board of Directors shall open nominations for elections two months before the end of its term at least.
Article 24: No association shall be eligible to nominate or elect until one year has passed since its affiliation with the Union and the payment of annual subscriptions.
Article 25: The Ordinary General Assembly shall elect the members of the Board of Directors for all positions through direct secret ballot.
Article 26: The Board of Directors shall meet immediately after its election, and the administrative positions shall be distributed at its first meeting.
Article 27: No association shall be eligible to nominate or elect unless it has paid its dues at least one month before the election date, provided that those representing it meet all the conditions specified in Article 38 of this regulation.
Chapter Five: Union Bodies
Article 28: The Union bodies consist of: a. The General Assembly. b. The Board of Directors.
Section One: The General Assembly
Article 29: The General Assembly is the supreme authority in the Union.
Article 30: The General Assembly of the Union consists of all representatives of member associations in the Union, with ten members from each association elected by their General Assembly.
Section One: Competences of the General Assembly
Article 31: Firstly: The Ordinary General Assembly exercises the following competences:
1.    Drawing up the general policy of the Union.
2.    Electing the members of the Union's Board of Directors.
3.    Discussing the report of the Union's Board of Directors on the Union's activities during the past year.
4.    Approving the budget and the final accounts.
5.    Any other matters that the Union's Board of Directors deems necessary to include on the agenda of the Ordinary General Assembly.
6.    Appointing the auditor of accounts other than the members of the Board of Directors and examining his report on the final accounts of the Union.
7.    Approving the estimated budget for the new fiscal year.
8.    Approving the financial and administrative regulations of the Union.
9.    Approving the plans, projects, and programs proposed by the Board of Directors.
10.    Considering the grievances of member associations and resolving disputes arising between them. Secondly: The Extraordinary General Assembly exercises the following competences:
11.    Amending the Union's Articles of Association and deciding its dissolution or dismissing members of the Board of Directors. Amendments shall not be effective except after approval by the Ministry and publication in the Official Gazette.
12.    Holding some or all members of the Union's Board of Directors accountable or dissolving the Union.
13.    Important or urgent matters that the Board of Directors deems necessary to present to the Extraordinary General Assembly.
Section Two: Holding the General Assembly
Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly
Article 32: The General Assembly shall hold its regular session once a year within the three months following the end of the Union's fiscal year at the headquarters of the Union's main office or any place designated by the Union's Board of Directors. The notice of invitation shall be sent to all members two weeks before the meeting, accompanied by the agenda. The meeting shall not be considered valid unless attended by an absolute majority of its members. If the quorum is not met, the meeting shall be adjourned to another session to be held within a week from the date of the first meeting, and the second meeting shall be valid if attended by a third of the number of General Assembly members. Otherwise, the meeting shall be adjourned to another session to be held within a period not exceeding two weeks, and the meeting shall be valid with the presence of ten percent of the members. If the legal quorum is met, the validity of the resolutions taken shall not be affected by the withdrawal of less than half of the number of attendees at the start of the meeting.
Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly
Article 33: The General Assembly may hold an extraordinary meeting based on:
1.    A request signed by five members of the Union's Board of Directors.
2.    A request submitted to the Union's Board of Directors by a number not less than two-thirds of the members entitled to attend the General Assembly.
3.    A call from the Social Development Ministry. The purpose of the meeting, matters, and topics for which the General Assembly is convened shall be specified in the invitation. The procedures followed in the extraordinary General Assembly shall be those
Article 34 The General Assembly shall issue resolutions by an absolute majority of the members present. However, for the resolution to be valid, a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly members is required regarding amending the union's bylaws, determining its dissolution, or dismissing board members.
Chapter Two Formation of the Board of Directors and its Competencies
Article 35 The Board of Directors is the executive authority of the union and implements the policies established by the General Assembly and its resolutions to achieve the union's objectives.
Article 36 The Board of Directors manages the affairs of the union and is empowered to carry out any work except those requiring prior approval by the General Assembly as per this bylaw. Specifically, the Board is responsible for:
1.    Drafting the general framework of the union's policies.
2.    Developing plans and programs to achieve the union's objectives.
3.    Formulating regulations specific to the union based on its bylaws.
4.    Reviewing reports from union committees, assessing their recommendations, and making appropriate resolutions.
5.    Preparing the annual budget and final financial statements of the union.
6.    Compiling the annual report on the union's activities.
7.    Establishing necessary committees to achieve the union's objectives.
8.    Appointing necessary staff for the union, determining their bonuses and financial rights, and terminating their services in accordance with the regulations approved by the General Assembly.
9.    Forming delegations to represent the union in local, regional, and international conferences.
10.    Any other issues proposed by the General Assembly.
Article 37 The Board of Directors consists of eleven members elected by the General Assembly from its members for a term of two years, renewable for another term, not exceeding two consecutive terms. They are elected by direct secret ballot, and no association may nominate or elect a board member until one year after joining the union and paying the annual fees.
Article 38 Membership in the Board of Directors requires the following:
1.    Membership in one of the associations that form the union.
2.    Good conduct and behavior.
3.    Active involvement in women's work.
4.    Payment of fees to the association they belong to at least one month before the elections.
5.    One year must have passed since the association's membership in the union.
6.    Enjoyment of civil rights.
Article 39 Membership in the union ends in the following cases:
1.    If the women's association, which is a member of the union, is dissolved.
2.    If the association fails to pay its fees within six months after being notified in writing by registered mail.
3.    The Board of Directors may reinstate membership if the association is re-registered or established again and has paid its previous dues or obligations.
4.    If the General Assembly of the union issues a resolution by a two-thirds majority of its members if the association commits acts that harm the union.
5.    A former member whose membership has ended for any reason cannot reclaim fees, gifts, or donations given to the union.
6.    Termination of membership by a resolution of the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority of its members in case the member commits an act causing financial or moral damage to the union.
Article 40 The Board of Directors consists of twelve members (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and seven administrative members). Board members are elected by the General Assembly for a term of two years.
•    President: Calls for meetings of the Board and General Assembly, ensures the implementation of Board and General Assembly resolutions, presides over sessions, acts as the union's legal representative to others, co-signs session minutes with the Secretary, signs checks and all financial authorizations with the Treasurer, and decides on urgent matters that cannot be delayed, subject to the Board's review at its first meeting.
•    Vice President: Assumes the President's responsibilities in their absence, and the Board may delegate her some permanent financial, administrative, or technical responsibilities.
•    Secretary: Prepares the agenda for Board and General Assembly meetings, records and co-signs meeting minutes with the President, handles all written correspondences, files, records, registers, and contracts.
•    Treasurer: Manages the union's finances, keeps its accounts, records its revenues and expenditures, deposits its funds in an approved bank, disburses funds based on authorized warrants signed by her and approved by the President, monitors the collection and recording of fees in registers and records, preserves financial documents requiring financial commitment to the union or its right, prepares monthly financial reports for the Board, retains a specified amount for essential reserves not exceeding two hundred dinars, as determined by the union's financial regulations.
Article 41
1.    The Board of Directors may form subcommittees from among its members or others, determining the number of committee members and their responsibilities. It establishes a system for their operations, with their studies and research findings presented to the Board for reporting and decisions.
2.    The Board of Directors may form an advisory body in legal and other relevant areas related to the union's competencies.
Article 42 The Board of Directors convenes monthly regularly, with its meetings valid with the presence of the majority of its members. The Board Secretary prepares the agenda and presents it to the Board President for decision on what she deems appropriate, then notifies the members at least one week before the meeting.
Article 43 Board resolutions are issued by a majority of the votes of those present. In case of a tie, the side favored by the President prevails.
Article 44 The Board of Directors may hold an exceptional meeting upon the President's invitation or upon a request by at least one-third of its members to discuss urgent matters, limited to the agenda items.
Article 45 The Ministry of Social Development may request a Board of Directors meeting if deemed necessary.
Article 46 The Board of Directors maintains at the union headquarters the following records and registers:
1.    Minutes of Board of Directors meetings, signed by the President, Secretary, and all attending members.
2.    Records of General Assembly meetings.
3.    Registers for recording revenues and expenditures.
4.    Bank account ledger.
5.    Permanent loan ledger.
6.    Subscription ledger.
7.    Record for recording perpetual loans, ownerships, or other perpetual commitments owned by the union, each registered in the record with a specialized description, price, date, location, the person in custody, their description, and address. The mentioned record includes any changes affecting their status.
Before commencing work on the mentioned records and registers, each page must be numbered sequentially and stamped with the union's seal. All records, registers, and files must comply with legal requirements.
Article 47 If one-third of the Board members resign simultaneously or if the remaining number of members for any reason falls below half of the Board members, the matter shall be referred to the General Assembly for an extraordinary meeting to elect a new Board for the remaining term of the previous Board.
Article 48 The Ministry of Social Development shall take the necessary measures to convene the General Assembly within one month of the Board's dissolution.
Chapter Seven Dissolution of the Union
Article 49 The General Assembly may voluntarily dissolve the union under Article 34 if it becomes unable to achieve the objectives for which it was established or if the number of its members from associations becomes such that it cannot continue its activities.
Article 50 The General Assembly resolution to dissolve the union shall not take effect until registered in the register prepared for this purpose at the Ministry of Social Development and published in the official gazette.
Article 51 Upon dissolution, union members, those managing its administration, and its employees are prohibited from continuing its activities or disposing of its funds upon knowledge of its dissolution. No person shall participate in the union's activities after the dissolution resolution is published in the official gazette.
Article 52 The Ministry of Social Development shall appoint a liquidator for the union upon its dissolution for a specified period and a known salary.
Article 53 The union's administrators shall, upon request, submit all documents and records to the liquidator. They and the bank holding the union's funds are prohibited from handling any union matters or rights except by written order from the liquidator.
Article 54 After completing the liquidation process, the liquidator shall distribute the remaining funds equally among the member associations of the union, under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Development.
Chapter Eight Final Provisions
Article 55 The General Assembly resolution to amend the union's bylaws shall not take effect until registered in the register prepared for this purpose at the Ministry of Social Development and published in the official gazette.
Article 56 In matters not covered by specific provisions of this bylaw, the provisions concerning associations in the first chapter of the Law of Social and Cultural Associations and Clubs and Special Institutions operating in the field of youth, sports, and private institutions issued by Decree No. 21 of 1989 and its amendments shall apply, provided they do not conflict with the nature of the union.
This translation aims to capture the essence and details of the Arabic text regarding the organization and governance of the union as outlined in the provided articles.